Skandinavian News 7
Skandinavian News - Issue 7 (1989-01)(Accession)[h Amiga Hackers United].adf
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No fun, no. What about family? One
idiotic overcaring silly mom, who does
not accept alcohol, smoking or getting
girls to house. Then one big 36 years
old big-brother who uses me like a free
slave (just as TWS, once he was caught
and forced to work in his farm). Others
are mostly harmless...
Of course there are some nice things
in my life too. Some are alcohol, my
driving licence, some good friends and
sum girlies. I could be a good alcoho-
list, but booze is very expensive in
Finland so it doesn't work. I can stand
booze quite well, I can still walk and
stand when others are crawling at the
floors and still no sign of throwing
up ( arf, this sounds self - satisfied
(yes sure it also is! ) but it 's also
the fact ). One strange point in my
booze-using is that I've never had any
kind of hang-over and I always remember
what I've been doing last night ( what
about Zad or Ice? What about Pastori
Jussi the Kyrsor kuten Gryzor/X-MEN who
just passed out in back of my car some
#move 325,0
time ago??? Hehe...... Nice memories or
wot. Tuula R. still on the top! But TWS
you should treat better guy who drives
nearly 170 km just to get your girl
home from Russia....).
Gronkhs. In the middle of night......
TWS/Gryzor calling 1AM,2AM and soon 3AM
testing if I'm now sleeping. So life
is full of worries, especially T W S,
so maybe you now understand why I am
what I am. Grendel.....
To solve Phantasie III!
Phantasie III is surely one of the
very best rpg's available for Amiga. It
has got the quality and playability
many other games are missing. I used 4
days to solve it, here are information
you need to solve it yourself.
First thing you must do is to enter
the dungeon 3 hexes S E from your
starting position. At this moment your
characters are so weak you should rise
them by wandering around the city for a